Global History
Supplemental Resources for Distance Learning
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Bites Media connects credible, high standard media reporting on current events with "why it matters" to democracy and citizenship, supporting students with developing critical media literacy skills and understanding ones's civic duties/responsibilites.
Collection of educator resources includes a wide range of flexible, multimedia materials, from primary sources and streaming videos to teaching strategies, lesson plans, and full units. There are resources that will support students' learning, whether you are teaching a complex moment in history or addressing today's breaking news.
Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom.
Activities for students include writing, current articles and trends, crosswords, multimedia, and contests. Teachers resources are organized based on content areas.
New Visions for Public Schools has developed full scope and sequence curricular frameworks designed for the Global History and Geography I and II courses and the U.S. History course. The curriculum integrates rich primary and secondary texts, maps, images, videos, and other reputable online sources into materials that meet the New York State K-12 Social Studies Framework’s objectives and provide students an opportunity to improve literacy skills by focusing on thinking critically while reading, writing, and speaking like historians.
Students 4SC provides students with resources to develop their capacity to become effective civic leaders who write persuasively, speak passionately, and actively participate in the creation and dissemination of ideas.
World History for Us All is a national collaboration of K-12 teachers, collegiate instructors, and educational technology specialists. It is a project of the National Center for History in the Schools, a division of the Public History Imitative, Department of History, UCLA. World History for Us All is a continuing project.