Grade 9
Our Instructional Programs
Curriculum & Instruction at CSEE
The instructional program at the Charter School of Educational Excellence – High School is specifically designed to meet all of the NYS CCLS. Our goal is for students to meet and exceed performance and assessment standards. Instruction is age/grade appropriate, with strong emphasis on the development of students’ social and academic skills through character building activities. Our programs offered are as follows:
Creative Thematic Enrichment
CSEE uses thematic units that combine reading, math, art, dance, music, computer skills, and field trips into enjoyable and informative lessons.
Balanced Literacy/Balanced Math
Our balanced literacy program uses authentic literature, independent reading, author studies, genre studies, and one’s own writing process to help better enrich and enhance students’ understanding of literature, reading, and writing. Our balanced math program incorporates many of these language elements into the math curriculum.
Hands-On Science & Technology
Our hands-on curriculum teaches the fundamentals of science, while encouraging exploration and analysis. Technology and computer skills are incorporated into the curriculum in all grades.