CSEE Accomplishments
MAY 2017
CSEE is designated a Reward School for the 4th year in a row by the State Education Department.
CSEE is designated a Reward School for the 3rd year in a row by the State Education Department.
AUGUST 19, 2015
CSEE is designated as a Reward School once again by the State Education Department.
AUGUST 14, 2014
NYS Award: Reward School
OCTOBER 28, 2010
Congratulations CSEE on Becoming an Effective Practice School
Presented to CSEE by the New York State Department of Education
AUGUST 17, 2010
The City of Yonkers Zoning Board of Appeals approves 3 story Middle School building extension for CSEE.
JUNE 10, 2010
Members of the New York State Board of Regents Visit the Charter School of Educational Excellence
MAY 15, 2010
Charter School of Educational Excellence Recipients of the "New York State 2010 Exemplary Reading Award
YONKERS, NEW YORK, May 15, 2010 - The Charter School of Educational Excellence has won the very prestigious International Reading Association’s 2010 “Exemplary Reading Program Award for New York State”. The Exemplary Reading Program Award recognizes outstanding reading and language arts programs and its purpose is to call the public’s attention to exemplary programs in schools throughout Canada and the United States. Hundreds of schools submit applications annually but only one winning school is selected in a participating state or province. CSEE is this year’s winner for New York State.
MAY, 2010
CSEE Validated by S3TAIR Project as a School for Best Practices in Literacy.
The Charter School of Educational Excellence built their model of literacy instruction based on elements of effective practice including frameworks developed by Fountas and Pinnell, Questions About Relationships (QAR) strategies, and universal data decision-making using the Victory School's proprietary and rigorous data driven decision-making approach to inform all key strategies that impact student achievement and behavior. This approach utilizes continuous and multiple forms of assessments and data at the school level, the classroom level and the student level to identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas for intervention.
APRIL, 2010
Catalina Castillo Accepts the IRA Council Award in Chicago